fish's dotNET was founded in 2003 by fish in Taiwan with the goal of producing high-quality software at an affordable price for everyone.
All applications are guaranteed to be 100% clean, free from spyware, adware, or any form of malware, and they do not collect any user information.
If you have any suspicions or encounter a false positive, please do not hesitate to contact your antivirus software vendor.
If the app cannot be opened, ensure that you are using the latest version.
If the issue persists, you can add the executable file to the excluded items(#1) of your antivirus to resolve the problem.
(#1: Some antivirus(e.g., Avast, Sophos) may not support full exclusion and might require an update or uninstallation for proper functionality.
This is an issue with the antivirus itself; please reach out to the vendor for assistance
For any suggestions, ideas, or bug reports, feel free to email me, as long as you are a legal user
fish's dotNET 由 fish 於 2003 年在台灣成立, 其目標是以每個人都可以負擔的價格生產高品質的軟體.
所有應用程式均保證 100% 乾淨, 不含"間諜軟體、廣告軟體或任何形式的惡意軟體", 且不會收集任何使用者資訊.
如果您有任何懷疑或遇到誤報, 請立即聯絡您的防毒軟體供應商.
如果無法開啟該應用程序, 請確保您使用的是最新版本.
如果問題仍然存在, 您可以將執行檔新增至防毒軟體的排除項目(#1)來解決問題.
(#1: 某些防毒軟體(如 Avast、Sophos)可能不支援完全排除, 可能需要更新或卸載才能正常運作. 這是防毒軟體本身的問題; 請聯絡供應商尋求協助)
Purchase a Commercial Use License購買商業使用授權: Purchase a commercial use license
If it was useful to you or commercial use, please consider helping to Support for the development of future versions.
Payments can be made through PayPal, credit card, or bank account.
如果該軟體對您有幫助或在營利環境上使用, 請考慮支持未來版本的開發, 您的一份心意都將可以受惠到所有的人.
您除了可以透過 PayPal 與 信用卡方式購買外, 也可以透過 ATM 轉帳 或 郵政匯款.
If you are not able to make a monetary donation, you could promote the programs instead.
You can promote it in various ways: by talking about it with friends, post in your blog and specific news groups, mention it to journalists,
linking to me on your web page with and in many other ways.
除了實質捐助方式外, 您也可以以推廣方式來表達您對 fish's dotNET 的支持,
您可以透過任何方式如: 博客, 網頁, 論壇, 雜誌或其他方式, 將您的想法分享給更多人...
I allow and encourage all web sites, magazines and end-users to freely distribute the FREE or Trial versions of applications.
You already have my authorization of distributing the FREE, or Trial versions of applications.
您可以自由地分發 fish's dotNET 上所有軟體, 無論是網站, 雜誌, 光碟...等等都可以, 只要不是在非法用途上即可.